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  • Sven Verdoolaege's avatar
    add · 6b90eec3
    Sven Verdoolaege authored
    This script encapsulates the submodule init and submodule update and
    also fetches the imath submodule of isl.
    Note that it is currently not possible to use the imath backend for isl
    from within barvinok since barvinok uses the GMP specific
    interface of isl/val_gmp.h
    However, the imath submodule is also included in the barvinok distribution,
    so for consistency, it should be included in the source tree
    when obtained from the git repository.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSven Verdoolaege <>
    Sven Verdoolaege authored
    This script encapsulates the submodule init and submodule update and
    also fetches the imath submodule of isl.
    Note that it is currently not possible to use the imath backend for isl
    from within barvinok since barvinok uses the GMP specific
    interface of isl/val_gmp.h
    However, the imath submodule is also included in the barvinok distribution,
    so for consistency, it should be included in the source tree
    when obtained from the git repository.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSven Verdoolaege <>